‘Razing Arizona’ Wins 2nd Place in “America’s Funniest Humor” Writing Contest

Barry Parham, a writer from Greenville, SC, and author of the humor book, Why I Hate Straws, is the 2nd-Place winner in the most recent “America’s Funniest Humor!” Writing Contest held by HumorPress.com.

For his accomplishment, Parham has earned publication in HumorPress.com’s online humor showcase. His entry “Razing Arizona” is about ongoing border disputes in the American Southwest.

“Razing Arizona” will be featured in the current showcase through mid-July, after which new results from the bi-monthly contest will be posted.

Other writing awards and recognitions earned by Parham include taking First Place in the November 2009 Writer’s Circle Competition, several previous awards from HumorPress.com, and a plug by the official website of the Erma Bombeck Writers’ Workshop.

HumorPress.com is one of the Internet’s highest-ranking humor contest sites, with opportunities for writers specializing in humor and those with real-life humorous anecdotes to share.

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